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and I'm a
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About Me

My Name is Halipuddin
I'm a

Welcome to my little place on the internet. I'm Halipuddin and I'm a frontend developer, designer and teacher from Makassar, Indonesia. After building my first website aged 23, I knew I wanted to work with computers and technology, and I've never looked back. After graduating University with an Education degree, I began freelancing as a designer, creating graphics, video content and websites for small businesses, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In recent years, I've been focused on programming, building a solid frontend stack and creating exciting projects that solve real-world problems. People think you need degrees to “make it” as a designer or developer. You don’t! I started with nothing. No computer science degree, No design degree. I came from a Deficiency background. I was afraid to code. I thought coding was something I would never be good at (even if I died trying).
Thank You :).

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My Projects


u can change your bg color in seconds without editing process in Photoshop.


high-performance e-commerce sites with next.js & vercel integrates with Shopify, Commerce.js, etc.


Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata

All Projects

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I'm a Front-End Developer live in Makassar, Indonesia. I have serious passion for UI effects, animations and creating intuitive, dynamic user experiences. Let's make something special. ... I also have expertise in computer or laptop repair, for example in hardware and software repair. and experience in graphic design.

HTML 90%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 75%
Python 80%
PHP 70%
MySQL 70%

My Social Media

Contact me

Get in Touch

If you are interested please contact me by clicking hire me at the top of the website or you can also include your name and email in the column on the side. Thank you :).

Makassar, Indonesia
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